If you pick the right time of year to visit, you can spend 7 or 8 hours in the park and hop on every ride (some twice), see a bunch of shows, and even catch a parade or fireworks. However, if jobs, school and other time restraints force you to visit at the same time as 50,000 other people, here's how to get the most out of it.
Magic Morning: Can be a great option if you “just have to see” some of the attractions in Fantasyland with longer lines, like Peter Pan's Flight. Lines just after a Magic Morning opening rival those later in the day, so go straight to the ride you really want to get on.
Morning: Grab your FASTPASSes in Tomorrowland, then head to Adventureland. Kids and one parent can climb Tarzan's Treehouse and check out the Jungle Cruise while the other parent takes advantage of Indiana Jones' single rider line. Then swap and do it all again. Head back to Tomorrowland for the rest of the morning.
Afternoons are most crowded. The early morning crowd hasn't left yet, the late sleepers have all arrived and the night-time crowd is starting to trickle in. Lines that were long at 11 am seem even longer in the heat of the afternoon sun. Personally, I love to leave the park during this time and go back to my hotel. I let the kids have a swim and make them take a nap. We head back to Disneyland around 6 or 7ish, when crowds start to shrink (see below).
If you insist on toughing out the afternoon in the park, here's how to beat the crowds and heat. Take this time to see some of the indoor attractions and shows, like Aladdin, A Bug's Life, Billy Hill and the Hillbillies or The Enchanted Tiki Room. Pack a lunch and spend some time picnicking on Pirate's Cove or in Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. This also gives kids a chance to run around and use up some energy. Ride the train around the park to “it's a small world and take a cruise”. Watch a parade or street party. Use this time to pick out your souvenirs.
By early evening, much of the day time crowd is tired and headed home. Now is a great time to head to New Orleans Square, Frontierland, and Fantasyland. New Orleans Square is just plain more fun in the dark. Many Fantasyland patrons are headed home for bed, so lines thin out. If you don't mind keeping kids up late, after the fireworks you can practically walk on many of the slower rides like Pirates of the Carribbean or Haunted Mansion. Remember that some rides close at dark like the Storybook Land Canal Boats and the Matterhorn Bobsled, so make sure to catch them earlier in the day.
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